LIFT @ home - Registration is open

Spring session starts the week of March 25 to July 22nd

Did you know, strength training can be adjusted to fit you?!

As a Physiotherapist, Myranda created LIFT @ home to provide basic whole body strength training to women who want simple, brief and effective movement (from home)!

LIFT @ home is another workout program, what makes it special is YOU

I am here to help you find a way to include strength training in your life for the reasons you want while making it simple and fun!

Together, we will help YOU:

  1. Enhance your physical strength and confidence with short and effective workouts from home

  2. Make strength training exactly what you need it to be by finding a routine that works specifically for YOUR schedule

  3. Learn the basics of how you can adjust workouts to also help them work into your busy routine

  4. Create adaptable discipline so you can maintain your routine when life gets busy, the holidays come, and you inevitably need something different

Have questions? Book a free virtual discovery call with Myranda here


Depending on how much support you want, choose from these 3 options…

LIFT @ home Solo, Solo Plus or Full Support

Spring session starts the week of March 25 to July 22nd

All LIFT @ home options include unlimited access to:

  • “Strength Basics” 18 week strength program; focused on building strength with foundational strength movements

  • 1-2 sets of dumbbells

  • 10-30 minute whole body workouts with exercise demo videos and tips on how to adjust workouts based on energy & time

    • warm up stretches, strength workout, and cool down stretches

    • Myranda provides multiple movement variations

  • 18 of 54 workouts have replays that you can follow along to

  • “Strength & Impact Basics” program; focused on building strength, power & cardio by incorporating low to high impact movements

  • 1-2 sets of dumbbells and small loop resistance band

  • 10-30 minute whole body workouts with exercise demo videos and tips on how to adjust workouts based on energy & time

    • warm up stretches, strength workout, and cool down stretches

    • Myranda provides multiple movement variations

    **THIS program is being rolled out live. Monday night workouts will be recorded and available for replay within the program

Determine what option will best support your goals!

All options are a 4 month commitment - this is no “21 day fix approach”, this is about creating sustainable habits and finding what truly works for you!

Have questions? Book a free 15 minute Discovery call with Myranda - click here

LIFT @ home - Solo

Independent, just need a plan

Workouts only

LIFT @ home - Solo Plus

Minimal guidance needed, with or without symptoms you want to address

Access to workouts, community group, 1 x/month Physiotherapy session

Unlimited access to Monday night live Zoom workouts

**Inquire how to receive reimbursement through your private Physiotherapy insurance

LIFT @ home - Full

Wanting more accountability, and support to address pain, symptoms (pregnancy, postpartum or in general)

Access to workouts, community group, 2 x/month Physiotherapy sessions

Unlimited access to Monday night live Zoom workouts

**Inquire how to receive reimbursement through your private Physiotherapy insurance

One on one physiotherapy sessions related to LIFT @ home can be used to help you:

  • vision, goal set and work through barriers that may be challenging your movement and health

  • clarify exercise technique or receive more individualized exercises to add or replace within LIFT @ home programs

  • scheduled time to workout with my guidance, personal training session vibes

  • address any pain or symptoms that may arise or have been present with daily movement and exercise using exercise and/or adjustments to behaviors (example: ways to increase fluids)

These one on one physiotherapy sessions create the space you need to overcome barriers or symptoms that may be influencing your strength and health with direct support from Myranda


Ladies In Fitness Together, aka LIFT @ home is an easy-to-follow strength training program for busy women who want to get strong & fit without leaving their house!

Over 3 years ago, a number of new moms were heading back to their jobs after their maternity leaves. Not wanting to stop strength training (they were consistently attending in person LIFT pre postnatal classes) but also not feeling they had the extra time to commute to a gym, I offered to start LIFT @ home!

Over the past 20 years, I've been strength training it has only been in the last 6 years that I've figured out how to truly make lifting weights exactly what I need. I’ve had chapters of my life away from strength because if it wasn’t what I wanted I got annoyed (all or nothing mindset). However, the drought never lasted longer than 4-6 months and I always picked up the weights again.

ULTIMATELY, we need strength training to be accessible! For some of us, we can make the gym, we can take an hour, AND for just as many of us that doesn't work. Let’s find what can work for you!

LIFT @ home started again in Nov 2023 and the plan is it keep it rolling!

LIFT @ Home with Myranda is fantastic. Myranda is incredibly kind and has a knack for making everyone feel included and a part of the LIFT community. The weekly Monday virtual workouts are well organized and efficient, while still getting a great workout focused toward postnatal fitness (great for new moms who may only have a short window of time to workout). The two at-home workouts are also easy to follow with Myranda posting many ‘how-to’ videos to ensure you understand each exercise and have various options so you can tailor them to your energy level and time frame. LIFT @ Home is a great option whether you are new to fitness or a fitness veteran who is looking to get back into working out following a baby. 100% recommended!”
— Jacey
I really enjoy LIFT, Myranda programs the workouts to be effective and has endless modifications so each movement will work for everyone at any stage. This has helped my mindset, workouts don’t need to be long. All movement is good movement!”
— Sydney
LIFT at Home has worked exceptionally well for me as you have encouraged me to push myself a little bit more each week. I feel so much stronger and better as the weeks go by. I would recommend LIFT at Home to anyone wanting to workout at home but needing some motivation or not sure how to get started!”
— Renelle

A closer look…

Each year I take the feedback from the ladies and have made adjustments to the workouts and format. This next session has some exciting new advancements that I am really looking forward to and know you will appreciate the simplicity, accessibility and enjoyment that strength and conditioning can be from home!

  • Workouts will now be delivered through the TrueCoach App that you can access from computer, tablet or phone

    • individual demo videos within app and built in timer

    • option to track workouts

  • Additional stretching and guidance for recovery between workout days to support recovery

  • More tips on how to adjust workouts based on time and energy


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Women of all ages and stages of life!

    Because strength training is infinitely scalable and Myranda will provide different movement options within each workout.

    No previous strength training required.

    Safe and appropriate if you are pregnant or postpartum 4-6+ weeks *Myranda recommends before starting this program, connect with a provider

    Maybe you have been strength training for years (like me), you can start with “Strength Basics” or jump into “Strength & Impact Basics”

  • This is important for me to know and us to consider so that we ensure you feel confident and safe while you are moving!

    We can use strength training as a way to learn more about our bodies and manage symptoms.

    I am confident, working together, we can use strength training to make a positive impact on your symptoms and life!

  • It is safe to start or continue strength training during pregnancy with guidance from a trained professional.

    Myranda significant continuing education specific to pregnancy and after birth (vaginal & cesarean) and years of coaching pregnant people. She is also a Pregnancy & Postpartum Athleticism coach.

    If you are pregnant, Myranda will also provide you with additional guidance and resources to help you understand what to listen for in your body, abdominal and pelvic health information, and more.

    Because strength training is infinitely modifiable, we can make it exactly what you need in this chapter of your life!

  • Please read this whole section. There are some important considerations in order to submit your LIFT @home receipts for reimbursement under your private physiotherapy insurance.

    1. Check with your insurance provider if you need a doctor’s referral. If you have not needed one for Chiropractic care or Massage therapy, you most likely do not need one for Physiotherapy.

    2. Everyone’s insurance is different and has unique limitations and maximums.

    3. Payment is taken and receipts are sent to confirm your access to workout programming and access to live exercise classes. After connecting for a one on one physiotherapy session and individualized support is provided, an updated receipt is sent that can be submitted. There is not additional cost. One on one sessions allow me to provide continued assessment and treatment, an important requirement of my profession and insurance contracts.

    If you still have questions, please email me,

  • You have a couple choices.

    • follow along to the replay (posted by Tuesday AM)

    • utilize a 30 minute physiotherapy session to receive live coaching, movement assessment, etc.

    • If the live workouts would really benefit you, please reach out. I do take note of requests.

  • Strength Basics Program

    • 1-2 pairs of Dumbbells

    • 3-10lbs for beginners, 10-15lbs for intermediate, 15-25lbs for advanced

    *can also use soup cans, filled water bottles, heavy books

    Some floor space

    Possible a yoga mat

    Sturdy chair or bench

    Strength & Impact Basics Program

    • all of the above plus a small loop resistance band

  • My goal is to help you create adaptable discipline, an approach I learned from my mentor Brianna Battles.

    Adaptable discipline allows us to be flexible with our approach, while maintaining a level of consistency.

    UNLESS I specifically cancel, Monday evening classes will take place on holiday Mondays.

    Leveraging an all or something mindset and my various ways to approach the workouts I provide, can help you celebrate holidays and continue to move in the amount that works for you! Of course, it is always okay to take a break, we can always talk about that too!

  • Yes! Live workouts will be recorded and available the next day in the “Strength & Impact Basics” program.

    Workout replays are already available for the “Strength Basics” program. 18 of the 54 workouts in this program have follow along replays.